As oral surgery specialists, we’re experts in pain control and managing dental anxiety. If you feel nervous or hesitant about your upcoming oral surgery procedure, you’re not alone. Dental phobias in general are incredibly common, and the idea of oral surgery may make even the bravest dental patients a little uneasy. That’s why we’re committed to providing compassionate care and offer sedation anesthesia near you in Bristol, CT.
Patients need sedation dentistry for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, dental phobia can feel so intense that patients avoid getting the oral healthcare they need, preferring to suffer with pain and loss of function rather than complete recommended treatments. Some patients find that local dental anesthesia—numbing injections commonly used for most dental procedures—doesn’t work well for them. Sedation dentistry can also help patients with a severe gag reflex, or who can’t tolerate staying in the dental chair due to disabilities or other conditions.
With invasive or complex surgeries such as jaw surgery or extracting severely impacted wisdom teeth, sedation dentistry is a necessity for your safety and to ensure the best possible results from your procedure. If you have questions about your dental anesthesia options, your team at Hartford County Oral Surgery will be happy to discuss them with you and get you the compassionate care you deserve!
Sedation dentistry can also help patients with a severe gag reflex, or who can’t tolerate staying in the dental chair due to disabilities or other conditions.
Patients need sedation dentistry for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, dental phobia can feel so intense that patients avoid getting the oral healthcare they need, preferring to suffer with pain and loss of function rather than complete recommended treatments. Some patients find that local dental anesthesia—numbing injections commonly used for most dental procedures—doesn’t work well for them. Sedation dentistry can also help patients with a severe gag reflex, or who can’t tolerate staying in the dental chair due to disabilities or other conditions.
With invasive or complex surgeries such as jaw surgery or extracting severely impacted wisdom teeth, sedation dentistry is a necessity for your safety and to ensure the best possible results from your procedure. If you have questions about your dental anesthesia options, your team at Hartford County Oral Surgery will be happy to discuss them with you and get you the compassionate care you deserve!
Sedation dentistry includes a variety of dental anesthesia options to keep you comfortable and relaxed no matter how complex your treatment will be. Sedation dentistry allows us to give you a pain-free experience in a calming environment, so you can get the treatment you need in total comfort. Dental anesthesia includes several components, some of which can be combined when appropriate. They include:
For many procedures, including bone grafting, simple extractions, and even dental implants, many patients achieve comfort with just local anesthesia administered in a simple numbing injection. If you feel comfortable in the dental environment, and don’t think you need sedation dentistry, talk to your surgeon about whether your treatment can be done with local anesthesia by itself. This option is great for patients who don’t like feeling groggy, or who need to be able to drive themselves home after their treatment.
Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a safe and easy option for anxiety control and pain management. Nitrous oxide can help local anesthetics work better, suppress your gag reflex, and help create a sense of relaxation for anxious patients. It is frequently used in combination with other forms of sedation. On its own, nitrous oxide is a great sedation dentistry option for patients who don’t want to feel groggy after their procedure. Once we turn it off, you’ll be back to normal and able to drive yourself home in just a few minutes!
Some of the more complex or invasive surgeries we perform require general anesthesia. With general anesthesia, you will be completely asleep throughout your procedure. It requires specialized training and equipment, which is why most dental practices cannot offer it. Because this is a profound version of anesthesia, you will need a chaperone to drive you home and monitor you for a time after your procedure.
Although general anesthesia is also administered through an IV, there is a version of intravenous (IV) sedation known as “twilight” sedation. With this option, you’ll achieve comfort and relaxation without being put under completely. You’ll be able to relax in total comfort with this fast-acting, rapidly reversible form of sedation. Most patients enjoy a great nap and don’t remember a moment of their procedure afterward!
For patients needing a mid-level sedative, oral conscious sedation is a great way to manage anxiety and achieve comfort through long or complex procedures. As easy as taking a couple of pills, you’ll be able to relax completely and might even fall asleep in the chair! Oral conscious sedation won’t put you under completely like general anesthesia, but you’ll need a driver to help you get home afterward. This option is frequently combined with nitrous oxide and local anesthesia to ensure total comfort.
Some children experience extreme fear of the dentist, such that they cannot tolerate routine dental care. In other cases, a child may need extensive dental treatments which may create an unpleasant experience. Excellent dental care is an essential part of healthy development. Untreated cavities and oral health problems can create chronic pain, difficulties speaking, and malnutrition due to pain while eating. Sedation can help kids get the care they need without fear. We offer pediatric sedation for anxious children, high-needs children, or children with disabilities that make it difficult for them to tolerate dental procedures.
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