Wisdom Tooth Removals - Rocky Hill & Bristol, CT

Worry-Free Wisdom Tooth Removal

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Wisdom Teeth Can Cause Trouble for Your Oral Health

While most of your permanent teeth come in by the time you’re about 12 years old, wisdom teeth, also called third molars, may come in anywhere from your late teens to early twenties. If they come in at all, that is! Wisdom teeth have earned a bad reputation for causing problems. You’ve probably heard of impacted wisdom teeth. Tooth impaction means that a tooth has grown in poorly positioned or at a bad angle, such that it gets stuck and can’t fully emerge into the mouth. Because wisdom teeth are especially prone to being misshapen, poorly positioned, or impacted, they run a high risk of causing damage to other structures.

Impacted wisdom teeth can put pressure on other teeth, damaging the roots or causing teeth to shift. They may emerge only half-way, creating a trap for food debris and bacteria and allowing decay and infections to develop. Unerupted wisdom teeth can develop a cyst or infection deep in the jawbone, potentially leading to nerve damage or other serious problems.

Impacted wisdom teeth can put pressure on other teeth, damaging the roots or causing teeth to shift.


Dr. James

Myths and Facts of Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Signs of Problematic Wisdom Teeth

Proactivity Prevents Future Complications

These problems may go completely unnoticed for years or even decades, so many patients figure it’s fine to skip wisdom tooth surgery and just leave them in place. And sometimes it is! For a lucky few, those third molars develop into useful teeth that slide into position without an issue. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t so lucky. Most people just don’t have enough space in their mouth to keep an extra set. Even if your wisdom teeth aren’t impacted, allowing them to stay can cause crowding and shifting, leading to an uneven bite and jaw problems in the long run. The good news is that getting your wisdom teeth extracted is a simple fix to prevent complex problems.

Oral surgeons are the experts in wisdom tooth removal. Not only are they trained in performing surgical tooth extractions, they’re also qualified to offer complex facial trauma treatments, jaw surgery, and facial reconstructions. As a result, they are the go-to specialists for wisdom teeth extractions from the simple, to the complex, and frequently perform them weekly, if not daily. If you or your teen is experiencing pain, swelling, or swollen gums around the molars, or if your general dentist has spotted unerupted wisdom teeth on your check-up x-rays or panoramic images, we encourage you to reserve an evaluation for wisdom tooth removal near you in Bristol, CT at Hartford County Oral Surgery.

With specialized surgical and medical training, oral surgeons offer worry-free and confident care for any wisdom tooth extraction. We’re ready when you are!

Experience Pain-Free Extractions with Wisdom Tooth Experts

We understand that most patients don’t exactly look forward to a surgery like wisdom tooth extractions. You may think putting it off as long as possible is a good strategy. However, studies show that early wisdom tooth removal makes for less invasive treatment, prevention of damage to the surrounding structures, easier healing, and an overall better result. Your dentist, orthodontist, or an oral surgery team like us may start to monitor your child’s wisdom teeth in their early to mid-teen years. Summer vacation before senior year of high school is a great time to schedule the procedure for many patients.

Before we begin, we’ll determine if your wisdom teeth truly need to be removed. Using state-of-the-art imaging technology, we will build a 3D model of your anatomy to assess the location and angle of your third molars. That model will help ups plan precise and minimally invasive treatment.

We are committed to providing compassionate care and keeping you as comfortable as possible throughout your wisdom tooth removal. We offer a variety of dental anesthesia options to keep you relaxed and comfortable during your procedure. You’ll be able to return home the same day and typically only need over-the-counter medication to control any swelling or discomfort during your recovery. We’ll review post-operative instructions with you and encourage you to follow them closely to reduce your recovery time and prevent problems with healing. If you have any questions as you heal, please reach out to our surgical team in Bristol, CT for the answers you need. With specialized surgical and medical training, oral surgeons offer worry-free and confident care for any wisdom tooth extraction. We’re ready when you are!

Make the smart decision to get your wisdom teeth removed!

Call us today to schedule your wisdom tooth consultation in Bristol, CT!

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